Ken, Ellen and Bei in China

Ken, Ellen and Bei spent a year in Lijiang, Yunnan teaching English. This is a place where we kept in touch with everyone while we were away. If you'd like to comment we'd love to hear from you on e-mail. Send to You can view more photos on Flickr at

Location: Laramie, Wyoming, United States

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Flying to Shanghai

30 July 2005

We're in Shanghai. We arrived last night at about 6:00 p.m. China time. Now it's 8 a.m. and all of us have been awake since about 3 a.m. when Bei woke up. Unlike us, she slept on the long flight and on the bus from the airport to Shanghai University where we are staying. She's very energetic. Ellen and I are somewhat less perky. Here we are in Denver Friday morning getting ready to head to the airport.

Here we are at the San Francisco airport -- waiting for our Shanghai flight. We left SF at about 2:30 p.m. and arrived in Shanghai 12 hours later.

Here's Bei on the flight to Shanghai. She got some sleep. Ellen and I didn't.

Here's Bei in the common area at the dorm/hotel where we're staying at Shanghai University. Bei is none the worse for the flight. She got a lot of sleep.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Packing up

Ken here...We're leaving Laramie tomorrow whether everything is packed or not. So here's my new blog that I hope we can access and add to from the other side of the globe. I've gotta run work on our list of stuff to do, but I wanted to test this out.

Here's our kitchen a couple of days ago. Our friend Karen drove up from Boulder to help us put everything in boxes. Bei worked on taking everything out of boxes. Ellen ran from one place to another finding new things to put in the boxes that Bei emptied. I stayed out of the way.

28 July 2005 -- Our last day in Laramie for a YEAR. We're still packing.

Here's the secret ladder to all of our worldly possessions (except about 150 pounds of them that we'll be carrying to China).

And here they are. Our worldly possessions. We cracked the plaster on the kitchen ceiling. That's how much stuff we have.